Thursday, April 16, 2015

Missouri Law Review Spotlight: Cole Cameron

My name is Cole Cameron.  I am from Columbia, Missouri.  I decided to stay “at home” for school and attended undergrad at the University of Missouri, ultimately receiving a degree from the esteemed Journalism School.  I decided to stick around a bit longer at Mizzou to pursue my law degree. 

Law school has flown by.  It seems like just yesterday I was staying up late, hustling to finish my 1L memo or tediously checking footnotes for published Law Review articles as a 2L Associate Member.  Looking back, I don’t think I would change a thing.  I learned to be an outspoken advocate and made many new friends along the way. 

As a Law Review Member and Editor, I learned to write like a legal scholar.  I learned how to write concise legal summaries and perform efficient legal research.  I also learned how to analyze court decisions and advocate my own legal opinions. 

After graduation from law school this spring, I’ll be sticking around Columbia (there seems to be a pattern) for one more year to complete my MBA.  After that, the future is unclear, but I will always cherish my time at Mizzou Law and the knowledge I gained as a Member and Editor of the Missouri Law Review.